On this page, we’d like to invite you to:
- Join Friends of Pardshaw Quaker Centre
- Make a donation
- Or just sign up to receive our occasional newsletters.
Join Friends of Pardshaw Quaker Centre
Become a member of Friends of Pardshaw Quaker Centre (FPQC) and help us move forward with our vision and plans. FPQC subscriptions start at £5 per year and FPQC members receive a variety of benefits:
- Newsletters to keep you updated on progress and tell you how to get involved
- The opportunity to book Pardshaw Quaker Centre for your own holiday, gathering or event
- The chance to join us at the AGM.
Make a Donation
All donations, of whatever amount, are most welcome. If you would like to make a donation online via PayPal please click the ‘Donate Online’ button below.
Donate OnlineIf you are a UK taxpayer and able to Gift Aid your donation, please do so by clicking on the link below and sending the completed form to Dave Moll at the above address.
Download Gift Aid Form PDFAlternatively you can set up a standing order or make a bank transfer, for either a membership fee or a donation, using the details below:
Account name: Pardshaw Quaker Centre
Sort code: 08-92-99
Account no: 67222452
If your transfer is for membership, please include “FPQC” followed by your name as the bank reference. Please also sign up for the newsletter separately.
If your transfer is a donation, please include “donation” followed by your name as the bank reference (unless you wish to make an anonymous donation, in which case just say “donation”).
Or make a cheque payable to ‘Pardshaw Quaker Centre’ and send to our treasurer:
Dave Moll, 83 Main Street, Great Broughton, Cockermouth, Cumbria, CA13 0YJ.
Please state if your payment is for membership and/or a donation when you make the payment. Please also sign up for the newsletter separately.
Sign up for Newsletters
If membership is not for you, but you would still like to get updates on Pardshaw’s progress, you are welcome to sign up for our occasional newsletters here.